Windrush Garden - Chelsea Flower Show

21st May 2018
Congratulations to Year 3 and 4 – Newsround Art Competition Winners
A couple of weeks ago, the children in Years 3 and 4 entered their work into an Art competition, which was run by BBC Newsround. This followed some work they had done about a ship called the Empire Windrush, which, 70 years ago, was the first of many to bring people from different countries to work in the UK. To mark the anniversary of this event, Birmingham City Council are creating a garden, which will be on display at the Chelsea Flower Show, and they asked children to send pictures and drawings that would explain what life was like for the passengers of the Windrush. The 100 best pictures would be used in the garden display as an edging. We entered the work of all our Year 3 and 4 children into this competition, following a lesson in which the children learned about this event, and I am pleased to be able to inform you that Baroness Floella Benjamin, who judged the competition, has decided to use all 120 of the entries submitted by the children of Finstall First School. She was extremely impressed by their quality and how our school turned the competition into a lesson, learning all about the Empire Windrush. The artwork produced covered all of the elements Baroness Benjamin was looking for and a few others she was delighted to see. She didn’t want to disappoint any of the children who had obviously spent a lot of time researching and producing their work. Now, all of the drawings will be scanned and transferred on to boards ready to go on the display. After Chelsea, the garden will be re-created at Handsworth Park where it will remain until September. This is a fantastic achievement for our School and for all of the children in Years 3 and 4. More details and some images of the garden can be found using the link below.
Also a special thank you to Mrs Wright for providing the additional photos.
More pictures here.  The garden also won a medal!